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Fourfold Efficiency Increase through Pick-by-Light 
Order Picking Solution at sehen!wutscher

The Austrian traditional optician sehen!wutscher, in collaboration with LNConsult, a specialist in logistics, IT, and digitalization consulting, has achieved an impressive increase in efficiency in its logistics processes. 

LN Consult, 29.07.2024

Modern Logistics Solution in the Lebring Logistics Center

This joint project impressively demonstrates how modern picking technologies can advance everyday operations in logistics. Until recently, the Austrian family-owned company sehen!wutscher was still using traditional delivery and pick slips—a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Particularly with orders often consisting of numerous individual products, the existing system reached its limits. The wide variety of different eyewear models, which had to be shipped to over 110 branches throughout Austria, made efficient order picking challenging.

© Simon Fortmüller

Goodbye Paper!

Thanks to the expertise of Fernitz-based LNConsult, sehen!wutscher was able to take the next step in digitalization. The smart Pick-by-Light system uses digital displays from PDi Digital, mounted at the storage locations of the respective items. These displays can be easily and at any time linked to the inventory items via an MDE device, including a suitable app, and are equipped with integrated, multi-colored LEDs that guide the personnel to the next item during the picking process. The e-Ink displays show both the item name and the item barcode. Additional information will be displayed in future project expansions.

Picking Process

In the first step of the picking process, the order to be picked is selected on the tablet. In addition to listing the items of the current order, there is also a graphical overview of all open and already completed orders. The selected picking order is then sent to and synchronized with an industrial smartwatch from NIMMSTA. This smartwatch, worn on the back of the hand, features a built-in barcode scanner and an e-Ink touchscreen, which displays the item name and the quantity to be picked.

Using the industrial smartwatch, the barcode on the digital label of the item to be picked can be scanned. After confirming the picking quantity, the LED goes off, and the next item in the order, again marked by a flashing LED, can be scanned and picked. Special cases such as "shortages" or the need to "relabel" are also managed via the smartwatch.

The core of this efficient and smart picking system is a customizable software developed by LNConsult, which controls the components and handles the business logic. Additionally, it manages the process sequence and provides the interface to the customer's system for order data and reporting.

Impressive Results

The results speak for themselves: "We are now four times faster than before!" says Lukas Kleemair, Logistics Manager at sehen!wutscher. Remarkably, this smart picking solution has reduced the error rate to nearly zero, further increasing customer satisfaction. The use of modern technologies and close cooperation with LNConsult have proven to be the key to success. The implementation of the project took only 2 months and was characterized by continuous learning and ongoing optimizations. LNConsult continuously supported sehen!wutscher, ensuring a smooth implementation.

Positive Feedback & Future Plans

The introduction of the new Pick-by-Light system was very well received by the employees. A further advantage became apparent from the beginning of winter: as the employees no longer need to constantly use delivery and pick slips, their hands stay warm, and the work becomes easier. Following the successful completion of this project, sehen!wutscher is already planning further steps—keyword "lens subscription." Together with LNConsult, the Austrian traditional optician is working on a Put-to-Light system to further increase efficiency and improve service quality.

The collaboration between sehen!wutscher and LNConsult impressively shows how targeted digitalization can optimize logistical processes. Through these measures, the Austrian traditional optician has not only increased efficiency but also improved working conditions for employees. sehen!wutscher is thus well-prepared for the future, continuing to focus on innovation and digitalization.